The Twin Peaks Playing cards

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Cards-DaleetcJust one of the paying card paintings for the Kickstarter. The original is completley hand-painted. I’m thinking the eventual design will be pretty close to this one…


From the Kickstarter blurb:

“Dale Cooper can only represent the King of Spades. Not only does Windom Earle place him on this card, but his character maps perfectly to the Tarot King of Swords (maybe Windom knew this, too…).”

We’re over 25% funded now – come and have a look – lots of TP goodies to choose from πŸ™‚

Into The Woods – A Twin Peaks inspired art project.

See you there πŸ˜‰

~ Jess

The Kickstarter is Live!

twin peaks

Ad2Yaaay! The kickstarter is live!


You can take a look at the art zine here: Into the Woods – A Twin Peaks art zine.

Doppleganger laura…and a project launching next month!

twin peaks

Yesterday, it was as though my paintbrush wasn’t my own. I guess if anyone had the ability to control an artist’s hand, it would be someone with connections to the Black Lodge, right? πŸ˜‰

laura002_lrThere is a possibility of including her in next month’s Kickstarter zine campaign.

Yep – a zine. I’m so excited. There are so many ideas flying around out there, from ancient legends, to conservation and modern medicine. I’ve been making Twin Peaks – related art for so long now and it’s time to bring these ideas together. Well, I should have done it a few years back, but I didn’t feel my work was ready…

The zine will be called “Into The Woods”.


I’ll see you in the trees.


Twin Peaks Art

twin peaks, Uncategorized

I haven’t written enough on here, or in general for ages. I realised I need to connect with you all again and find some new friends, who I haven’t said hi to in other social media places. So hi.


This is what I keep on coming back to. The mysteries of Twin Peaks and everything surrounding it.

Recently, it has been the woods. I can’t stop painting trees. Not many words today.